
Interests of the Same Kind

I've got a little book to help me remember the sites I go to, the userids I use and many other particulars. In this day and age, we have so many userids, passwords, login accounts for so many things when we surf and shop. I don't have a trained memory for so many digits, alphabets and worst, when they require you to remember the ones they assigned to you.

But I was just a little adamant in wanting to sign up one more networking site that was newly launched recently. It lets people interact and share information of same interests like movies, gadgets, games, fashion, books. Totally anything. And perhaps that could send some traffic my way.


jepunlauee said...

wah..so convienent..

Purpled Sky said...

hmm a little book for all that, not a bad idea! I suck at remembering PWs too! :-)

Anonymous said...

me too have to note down all those pws, hehehe...