
Vision Correction Using Lasik

I personally know of two friends of mine who had undergone LASIK surgery. One of them went for it because she had to wear glasses that have increased in power and had eyes that just hurts with contact lens. Although she didn't mind wearing glasses, there came to a point where she finds them getting too thick for comfort. Picking up courage, she decided to try out LASIK. The results have been excellent and she told me how glad she went through it and she felt like someone who had just been born again. She no longer need glasses and her vision is perfect.

LASIK is a procedure using laser technology for vision correction. It has been proven to be one of the popular choice recently with as high as 95.4% of Lasik patients showing satisfied results after this corrective surgery. Superior results and better visual results are more apparent in today's modern LASIK. High success rate and safety measures prompted an FDA meeting for reaffirmation.

In today's LASIK, it is widely approved for use in US Military & NASA's personnel such as pilots and astronauts. However, one must always bear in mind that there are ineligible candidates, those who have irregularly shaped corneas. One of the best way to find out is to ask for a good referral in finding a good physician through meeting and talking to people. An exam taking about 2 hours is mandatory to ensure if you are eligible for LASIK. This includes 3-D mapping and a customized wave-front measurement of your eye and some examination of your corneas.

LASIK Surgery is fast and nearly painless. Some side effects that follow would be dry eye and double vision that will clear in no time. Eye drops help to soothe them and replace the moisture.

You can get more LASIK information online at thelasikfacts.com for ease of mind.

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jepunlauee said...

wow..I really would like to try this treatment it is painless..I wonder if it is done in malaysia or not...and is it expensive???

Unknown said...

This has American doctors listed but has good info on the procedure: