
The Cake That Rae Baked

Remember the post where I posted about Rae baking a birthday cake? Here are the rest of the pictures. If you had watched the last picture whereby Lea stood by Rae watching her decorating the cake, see the rest of the story here. ( Link to the previous post here )

From the last story, Rae had just finished with the batter preparation. She goes on to decorate the cake. Lea stood there watching. In fact, she was eyeing on the chocolate chips and the colourful sweets. Lea wanted some chocolate chips but Rae said they were for decoration and not for consumption before baking. Big Sister was very bossy indeed.

Lea wasn't happy about sis's decision and started to throw tantrums. She sat on the floor and whined. She decided that she really wasn't gonna get the chips and throws into a fit of tantrum! She turned back to face the kitchen cabinets. Started to lie down on the floor and threw more tantrums! That's my Lea..

Since she wasn't going to get anything she just lay on the floor and cried, whined and made a lot of noise!! Rae ignored her of course. And 'bad' mummy, kept taking pictures.. She insisted that she, too wanted to bake a cake too. But I ran out of eggs, so I told her we can do it in the weekend. More tantrums from her.


Mom Knows Everything said...

That's too cute that she wanted to make one like her big sister!

Piggy said...

One is so sad on the floor and the other one smiling happily with the cake....:)

K3ViN said...

ahhh my.... Lea really cute lor..... But too bad lor... of course she feel sad lor...... Hope she have her chance 2 do the cake lor :P

Umbrella Rec said...

Perhaps I should do like Lea when my boss announces no salary increment next year :)

Mummy Gwen said...

Wah..tantrums ah. My girl also sometimes giving me tantrums. I just ignore her..hehe..but really frustrating when she throws tantrums for the slightest thing.

Anonymous said...

hahaha.. your little girl is so cute... the way she throw tantums is cute too :)


Anonymous said...

Your lea mop the kitchen floor for you kah? hahahah..