
Cyclone Nargis Claimed Lives in Myanmar

I have been following up on the recent news whereby on 2nd of May 2008, Cyclone Nargis had claimed tens of thousands of lives in the Myanmar district of Labutta. I feel so much for them especially the innocent young lives that had perished or had their close family deadly victims of the Cyclone. During this time many countries have been such great help coming together in the form of aid like money, medicine and food. I believe the people of Myanmar didn't know what hit them when it happened. Up to this morning, I had received more text news that the figures of victims claimed had reached a staggering 80,000. More than a million of the people in Myanmar are also homeless. There is already so much hardship in the lands there I do wonder why do such natural disasters happen in such a place.. Perhaps it is God's will and he had plans for something bigger?

Although help is pouring in, news reported that it was too slow and many people are battling against hunger and disease. There were also reports that the military government is also limiting foreign assistance. It is really such a sad case. I remember the event when the Tsunamis happened too. Many were panic stricken looking for loved ones and that is when you start to count your blessing at home.

Here are some pictures of the Cyclone Nargis story from Channel NewsAsia.


Rozella said...

This is just beyond devastating, but I truly believe that this is just the first of many more natural disasters to come. Mother earth is really retaliating.

P/S: I have a simple tag for you. :)

Juliana RW said...


Would you like to play with me in Time Capsule Tag??? Thanks