What a surprise, a PLEASANT surprise, when I got back from lunch today. Well, I just had to do this, blog about it.I came back, saw this man just at my doorstep with a registered letter. Aah, probably registered documents for Ah Boy. Sofiyah told me its a delivery from OCBC. This soft spoken man asked me to sign on the form, and said he delivered something. My maid said it was some parcel, I glanced in, saw 2 packs of stuff and saw some cartoon icons in bright red that looked familiar.. Oh! Those are Mighty Savers Stuff. I thought hard. Then, said to the man, I didn't realise this is coming because when I signed up my girls, I didn't read anything like that to be delivered to me. He smiled and muttered something like maybe I was their priviledged customer... I brushed it off because we have accounts with OCBC, but we aren't rich or had a gold mines under their care..
Nicholas Tan, who heads the Group Wealth Management of OCBC just sent me a letter after reading my blog. YES! He READ MY BLOG! Is he a Blogger as well? Otherwise, how on earth did he find my blog. Had he been doing a search as part of his effort to improve sales, reviews about OCBC? Well, if he did, then I can honestly say, he, and his team did an excellent job because heartlanders and bloggers like us, are your customers after all. And we do bitch and moan about everyday things like errmmm... when things don't go our way.. hahaha *blushing with embarrasment.
I would like to thank Nicholas Tan for the gifts he put together for Rae and Lea. You have done OCBC proud for the effort, excellent service and sales recovery. You'll be seeing more visits from Rae and Lea anyway because they are already halfway through their Mighty Savers' savings cards. But with the busy banking due to Chinese New Year season, the kids will have to wait.
Following this, a feature story was done about this story.. READ HERE
wah so nice one ka? hmmmm, bank here got that good then ok liao lo...
Wah syiok ka liao...btwpls delete the comment above me..that is spam..
wah..he really reads ur blog?? so nice to receive the gifts!
wah..so keng he can hop to your blog,,,and gave you such a nice hampers
Wah! That was so great! I did not know some of the banks will go all the way!
Your girls must be very happy to receive all those goodies!
yes yes.. i think they etched a good impression with my girls. quite a good way to go when starting the kids young. i remembered i was a Malayan banking kid because of the kids' savings book last time. After the many change of name/branding the warmth and fondness of staying power with them left. Branding and Marketing are vital in the company's growth.
wah soo nice.. even heads the Group Wealth Management of OCBC reading ur blog.... Rea n Lea must be very happy lor....... Tat really nice n touch.. aleast what tat he can do lor....
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