

I used to go shopping with my hubby whenever he wanted to buy shoes for work. It wasn't just ordinary work shoes that he wears everyday. He wanted to buy shoes that have security features. I was very ignorant what he meant until he told me about a staff who managed to have his feet protected from hot scalding oil in the restaurant because of the safety toe boots he wore. Yes, at work they all had to wear shoes that secured them from external risks. These shoes are a must too for those in military, construction as they work in extreme conditions most of the time. Mind you, these shoes aren't some dodgy looking boring ones. I found a website that carries reputable brands like CAT, Converse and Matterhorn that look smart and stylish yet uncompromising in safety features. There are many to choose from and prices that are reasonable as well.


Eddie Wong said...

i'm wearing blue hammer brand. quite nice and comfortable.